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We found 1 Songs matching sonata

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  • Alla turca: Allegretto

    Views: 726 Average Rating:
    Added by the_MUKe on 2009-05-30 17:56:52.0

    Alla turca: Allegretto Very popular sonata of mozart. Virtue depends strongly on pianist and piano played on. The link I've chosen refers to a performance of Friedrich Gulda which is in my opinion one of the best recordings of Alla turca and has a very brilliant sounding. Gulda plays it up-tempo without loosing important accentuations. The play starts softly and vividly at the same time and guides the listener's mood without any prompt interruptions or jumps - even between passages. Gradually the play gains power up to a (first) peak at about 1:50 at which one as a listener is already excited. Mozart accomplished to even exceed this peak by another one at the end which is the total climax of the sonata. Immediately afterwards the play is ended leaving an impressed and stunned listener. Mozart